Welcome to Torphichen Primary School
Our Vision, Values, Aims and our Rationale

We recognise that every child joins our school community full of curiosity, creativity, and with a natural determination and excitement to learn.We also recognise that every child exists in a rapidly changing world that is diverse and uncertain.
Our practices, environment and culture endeavour to enhance every child's ability to think independently; to explore their own questions, answers and ideas; to problem-solve and to innovate. By nurturing every child's capacity to assume ownership of their learning and to contextualise this learning within their individual passions and interests, we believe each child's emotional investment and intrinsic motivation to gain new knowledge and skills will be protected.
Our practices, environment and culture endeavour to connect learners with their surroundings whilst offering meaningful, relevant self-directed and collaborative learning opportunities that foster skills, and value and celebrate every child's individual abilities or talents.
Every child will leave with curiosity, creativity, courage, and an authentic excitement to learn alongside the skills, competences and attitudes necessary to thrive in our complex world and make meaningful contributions as global citizens.
Every child will leave with the ability to recognise and celebrate their unique talents and strengths and will be able toconfidentlyrespond to the question "how are you successful?"